Land Clearing & Mulching

Land clearing by way of tree felling and mulching promote greater growth of existing trees and new growth of soft vegetation, a desirable food source for wild game animals.

  • Overcrowded forests can stunt the growth of tree crops

    When trees are planted too closely together (common with tree farms), the majority of your crop’s growth can be stunted as a result of too much competition for sunlight, water, and nutrients. Thinning can significantly increase growth.

  • Unnecessarily length tree thinning and mulching can disturb wildlife

    We’re mindful of time-sensitivity of all our projects. Instead of taking multiple months, slowly dragging out projects, our crew gets in and out quickly to minimize wildlife disruption.

  • Overgrown brush and too many trees limit wildlife habitat

    Your forest floor can be a barren wasteland with little to nothing for animals to eat, bed up in, or comfortably traverse the landscape.


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Selective forest thinning, also known as a "conservation cut" focuses on removing certain trees to reduce competition for resources among the remaining trees. This benefits not only the trees that remain, but also the vegetation on the forest floor below.

Benefits of Thinning Trees & Mulching Brush

  • Enhanced Growth: By reducing competition, the remaining trees have more access to sunlight, water, and nutrients, leading to increased growth rates and improved health.
  • Biodiversity: Thinning can create a more diverse forest structure, encouraging a variety of plant and animal species to thrive.
  • Fire Risk Reduction: Removing excess vegetation reduces the amount of fuel available for wildfires, lowering the risk of severe fires.
  • Aesthetic and Recreational Value: Thinning can improve the visual appeal of a forest, making it more attractive for recreational activities such as hiking, bird watching, and nature photography.

By carefully planning and executing tree thinning, landowners can significantly enhance the vitality and sustainability of their forested areas, ensuring that the ecosystem remains healthy and productive for years to come.

Pine Branches

Ready to discuss your project?

Whether you know what needs to been done on your land or you’re in need of recommendations, we’d be glad to hear about your project. Consultations and site visits are free of charge.

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